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上海交响乐团2010-11音乐季开幕音乐会, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra 2010-11 Season.

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上海交响乐团 Shanghai Symphony Orchestra 亚洲最早建立有广泛影响的乐团

2010-07-20 13:24 新芭网


Shanghai Symphony Orchestra reserves the right to change the events.




SSO 2010-11 Season Opening Ceremony

2010/10/03 星期日

L. v. 贝多芬:艾格蒙特序曲,作品84 9'

L. v. Beethoven: Egmont Overture, Op.84

J. 勃拉姆斯:D大调小提琴协奏曲,作品77 38'

J. Brahms: Violin Concerto in D major, Op.77


A. 德沃夏克:E小调第九交响曲,作品95号“自新大陆” 40'

A. Dvořák: Symphony No.9 in E minor, Op.95 “From the New World”


Violin: Cho-Liang Lin


Conductor: Long Yu


Venue: Shanghai Grand Theatre

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 87 minutes)

演出介绍:余隆是活跃于当今国际乐坛的最杰出的中国指挥家之一。现任上海交响乐团音乐总监、中国爱乐乐团艺术总监和首席指挥、广州交响乐团音乐总 监、北京国际音乐节艺术委员会主席和上海东方艺术中心艺术委员会主席。余隆作为乐团音乐总监所担负的指挥活动之外,作为客席指挥在德国、法国、美国、荷 兰、瑞士、波兰、匈牙利、葡萄牙、斯洛伐克、澳大利亚、新加坡、泰国和香港、澳门、台湾等许多国家和地区指挥,与世界各国的主要交响乐团和歌剧院保持着广 泛合作。余隆是第一位应邀指挥美国五大交响乐团之一费城交响乐团的中国指挥家,也是与世界顶尖级交响乐团合作最多的华人指挥家。余隆指挥过的交响乐团包括 费城交响乐团、芝加哥交响乐团、洛杉矶爱乐乐团、美国国家交响乐团、柏林广播交响乐团、莱比锡广播乐团、布达佩斯广播交响乐团、爱尔兰国家爱乐乐团、悉尼 交响乐团、香港管弦乐团、东京爱乐乐团和新加坡交响乐团等,担任指挥的歌剧院包括威尼斯凤凰歌剧院、汉堡国家歌剧院、法国尼斯大剧院。在未来两个音乐季 中,余隆将指挥巴黎管弦乐团、柏林德意志歌剧院、汉堡NDR交响乐团(北德意志广播交响乐团)和班贝格交响乐团。

About the Event

Yu LongYu Long is active in the international music scene of today's most distinguished Chinese conductors. Shanghai Symphony Orchestra is currently music director of the China Philharmonic Orchestra Artistic Director and Principal Conductor, music director of the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, the Beijing Music Festival Arts Council Chairman and the Shanghai Oriental Art Center Art Committee. Yu Long, as the music director is responsible for directing activities, as a guest conductor in Germany, France, the United States, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Poland, Hungary, Portugal, Slovakia, Australia, Singapore, Thailand and Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and many other national and regional command, with the world's major orchestras, and opera houses maintain cooperation. Long Yu was the first guest conductor of the United States, one of five Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra conductor in China is the world's top class and most of the Chinese Symphony Orchestra conductor. Long Yu has conducted orchestras including the Philadelphia Orchestra, Chicago Symphony, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, National Symphony Orchestra, Berlin Radio Symphony Orchestra, Leipzig Radio Orchestra, Budapest Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Irish National Philharmonic Orchestra, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra as conductor of the opera, including the Phoenix Opera House in Venice, Hamburg State Opera, the Grand Theatre in Nice, France. Music in the next two season, I Long to command the Paris Philharmonic Orchestra, Berlin Deutsche Opera, Hamburg NDR Symphony Orchestra (North German Radio Symphony Orchestra) and the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra

2010/10/06 星期三


Cho-Liang Lin’s Master Class

2010/10/09 星期六


F. 舒伯特:鳟鱼五重奏 等 40'

F. Schubert: Trout Quintet, etc.



Violin: Cho-Liang Lin


Other Artist TBD


Venue: The Performance Hall of Shanghai Oriental Art Center

票价 / Price:RMB 60,120,200,(VIP)300元

演出介绍:林昭亮在几个大洲的精湛表演都得到很多赞扬,他与各大乐团合作演出,如与达拉斯交响乐团,多伦多交响乐团,休斯顿交响乐团,洛杉矶室内 乐团及海外的卑尔根爱乐乐团,斯德哥尔摩爱乐乐团,新西兰交响乐团,英国室内乐团和新加坡交响乐团等。

About the Event

Cho-Liang Lin Violinist Cho-Liang Lin, is lauded the world over for the eloquence of his playing and for the superb musicianship that marks his performances. In a concert career spanning the globe for thirty years, he is equally at home with orchestra, in recital, playing chamber music, as in a teaching studio. Mr. Lin’s recent and upcoming concerts reflect his wide-ranging musical activities. Performing on several continents, he appears as soloist with orchestras such as Dallas Symphony, Toronto Symphony, Houston Symphony, Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra and overseas with the Bergen Philharmonic, Stockholm Philharmonic, New Zealand Symphony, English Chamber Orchestra and Singapore Symphony. An avid chamber musician, the 2009/10 season includes chamber concerts at the Beijing Music Festival, as well as his perennial appearances performing at the Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center. As an advocate for music or our time Mr. Lin has enjoyed collaborations and premieres with composers such as Joel Hoffman, John Harbison, Christopher Rouse,, Esa-Pekka Salonen, Paul Schoenfield, Bright Sheng, and Joan Tower. Most recently, Mr. Lin presented the European and American premieres of Tangos Concertantes, a concerto by Hollywood icon, Lalo Schifrin. In the 2009/10 season, he will give the world premiere of Tan Dun's Violin Concerto as a part of Carnegie Hall's China Festival.


2010/10/17 星期日


Farewell My Concubine, an Opera in Four Acts (temporary title) –“暂名”用很小的字号吧

出品:北京国际音乐节艺术基金会 上海歌剧院 上海交响乐团

Jointly Presented by Beijing International Music Festival Arts Fund, Shanghai Opera House and Shanghai Symphony Orchestra

演出:上海歌剧院合唱团 上海交响乐团

指挥:余隆 张国勇

Performed by Shanghai Opera House Chorus, Shanghai Symphony Orchetra

Conductors: Long Yu, Zhang Guoyong




Librettist: Sun Gexuan

Composer: Ye Xiaogang

Director & Stage Designer: Zeng Li


石倚洁 张英席(饰唐麒声)

袁晨野 章亚伦(饰杨少山)

幺红 徐晓英(饰简吟)

刘嵩虎 杨小勇(饰荣福)


Tang Qisheng……………….Shi Yijie, Zhang Yingxi

Yang Shaoshan……………..Yuan Chenye, Zhang Yalun

Jian Yin……………………..Yao Hong, Xu Xiaoying

Rong Fu…………………….Liu Songhu, Yang Xiaoyong


Venue: Shanghai Grand Theatre

票价 / Price:RMB 80,180,280,380,(VIP)680


这个爱情故事发生在19世纪20年代的中国北平——乱世鼎盛的京剧之乡。故事的主人公唐麒声,年轻文雅、家学渊源,生于晚清家境殷实的书宦之家,他因受过 良好的教育而走上了研究创作的自由之路。身为剧作家,他才华横溢、敏锐清朗,热爱国剧艺术。他邂逅武生杨少山,为其写就了一部新戏《霸王别姬》,从而成全 了杨山少,更成全了自己。本剧的结局,以唐的消亡告终,来偿赎、或完成,追求至爱的代价。他从自我放弃与牺牲里,为自己的爱欲定义了所有权,将自己的尊严 与爱情交付于一部呕心沥血的作品。一段奇情造就一部作品,一部作品成就一个人生。本故事的气质看似保守而古典,但内中透露着激烈而不能言说的情感,由此产 生的成长与挣扎、欲望与解脱。


唐麒声 知名文人公子 热爱京剧的编剧

杨少山 自小坐科学艺的艺人 武生

简吟 坤班女艺人 女旦

荣福 荣春社班主 杨少山的师父

小常春 荣春社学徒

书童 唐的随从

徐琴师 坤班班主

紫云 坤班艺人 简的女友


About the Event

This love story takes place in Beijing in the 1920s, a tumultuous era filled with social and political unrest. Tang Qisheng, a descendant from a well-to-do family that served the Qing royal court for generations, is an elegant young man. Educated and refined, he is an artist who staunchly defends the freedom of creativity. A tremendously talented dramatist, Tang’s observations are acute and sensitive, and he’s devoted to maintaining age-old traditions in the cradle of Peking opera. Tang has become enamored with the actor Yang Shaoshan, a specialist in young martial roles. Tang even creates a new work, Farewell, My Overlord, to help Yang reach stardom and extend the dramatist’s own artistic vision. No matter in times of war or peace, love symbolizes the goodness in humanity, the only ray of light in an otherwise drab existence. This story ends with the death of Tang, which can be interpreted either as redemption or arriving at a full circle, with death also symbolizing the ultimate price for the greatest love. Because of his willingness to sacrifice himself, Tang took the reins in defining his own love and desires. He paid the price for creating a veritable masterpiece with his own dignity and love. On the surface, Farewell, My Overlord appears to contain a conservative and classical plot. Deeper within the story, however, are passions that can barely be contained, or even openly expressed. Dramatic tension permeates throughout struggles and reification, desires and the ultimate release.


Galway's Magic Flute

2010/10/22 星期五

W. A. 莫扎特:《费加罗的婚礼》序曲 4'

W. A. Mozart: Overture to Le nozze di Figaro

W. A. 莫扎特:C大调长笛与乐队柔版,K.315 6'

W. A. Mozart: Andante in C major for Flute and Orchestra, K.315

W. A. 莫扎特:D大调第二长笛协奏曲,K.314 21'

W. A. Mozart: Flute Concerto No.2 in D major, K.314


W. A. 莫扎特:《魔笛》序曲 7'

W. A. Mozart: Overture to Die Zauberflöte, K.620

W. A. 莫扎特:A大调第29交响曲,K.201 28'

W. A. Mozart: Symphony No.29 in A major, K.201


Flute:James & Jeanne Galway


Conductor: James Galway


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 66 minutes)

詹姆斯·高威驰名乐坛近半世纪的高威,循着前辈法国长笛家朗帕尔的脚步而成为长笛界第一把交椅。高威在1975年离开任职长达6年的柏林爱乐长笛 首席一职后,开始大量涉足跨界音乐,将自己的黄金长笛身影推往各个音乐领域。他不仅大量委托现代作曲家创作长笛作品,也与爱尔兰“首领乐团”合作许多专 辑,其中1987年的《爱尔兰》专辑还登上英国流行榜第三十二名。而近年卖座的电影《魔戒三部曲》中所有的长笛独奏,也都是由高威担任演出。也因为他出色 的吹奏和知名度,让他成为史上第一位进入好莱坞名人堂的人。高威能在流行和古典两个领域分别获得票房和专业上的肯定,要归功于他特殊的品味:对于挑选乐曲 的品味和演奏诠释的品味。这些让他在演奏流行乐曲时,不被人批评太过于通俗化、在演奏古典时又不曲高和寡。高威有精湛的古典技巧和优雅完美的长笛音色,这 让他在吹奏耳熟能详的通俗曲目时,都能够有一种精致高贵的气质,他有一种亲和可人的气质,让他在吹奏即使再艰深的古典乐曲时,都能关注到一般听众的心情, 让乐曲显得浅显易懂,容易亲近。






The Heavenly Life

2010/11/13 星期六

F. 门德尔松:《仲夏夜之梦》序曲,作品21号 12'

F. Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Overture, Op.21

W. A. 莫扎特:A大调单簧管协奏曲,K.622 25'

W. A. Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A major, K.622


G. 马勒:G大调第四交响曲 54'

G. Mahler: Symphony No.4 in G major


Soprano: Rao Lan


Clarinet: Zhai Yaoguang


Conductor: Jonathan Nott


Venue: Shanghai Oriental Art Center

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 91 minutes)


翟耀光上海交响乐团单簧管首席。2009年毕业于美国柯蒂斯音乐学院,是该校有史以来首位华人单簧管演奏家。1999年进入中央音乐学院附中,师 从于黄远涪教授。2003年获全额奖学金进入美国爱德华艺术学院学习,受教于科尔本音乐学院院长、南加州大学单簧管 Yehuda Gilad 教授。在柯蒂斯音乐学院学习期间曾与费城交响乐团前单簧管首席 Donald Montanaro 以及该乐团现任单簧管首席 Ricardo Morales 学习。饶岚 与许多著名指挥、包括与伯恩斯坦有过愉快的合作。常与顶级乐团合作,例如:柏林广播交响乐团、德国爱乐室内乐团、哥廷根歌剧院乐团、约翰•斯特劳斯乐团、 德列斯顿交响乐团、意大利托斯卡尼尼交响乐团、比利时皇家爱乐乐团、美国林肯交响乐团、俄罗斯弦乐团、新加坡交响乐团、东京交响乐团、中国爱乐乐团、中央 乐团等等。

About the Event

Jonathan As Principal Conductor of Bamberger Symphoniker since 2000,Jonathan Nott has made a huge impact on the orchestra. The Guardian critic Tom Service noted: “Together, I think they've created one of the most exciting partnerships in orchestral music of the last nine years”. The orchestra has made its hallmark on the musical world with its challenging programming, in particular by combining contemporary music with traditional, giving new insight into the standard repertoire.Lan Rao Lan Rao was born into a literary family in Guangzhou. When she was 16, Lan Rao started receiving formal vocal training from Chau-In Ha. At 19, Rao had her first concert tour as a soloist, performing with the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra in Australia, New Zealand and Hong Kong. She then studied in Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing for 3 years.

Yao Guang Zhai Yao Guang Zhai is currently principal clarinet of the ShangHai Symphony Orchestra. Winner of the Pacific Symphony Concerto Competition, the Spotlight Award, the Blount-Slawson Young Artists Competition, the Aspen Music Festival Wind Concerto Competition, and the Hellam Concerto Competition. As a soloist, he has played with the Pacific Symphony Orchestra (CA), the Montgomery Symphony Orchestra (AL), the American Academy of Conducting Orchestra (Aspen) and the Springfield Symphony Orchestra (MO). He appeared on the National Radio show “From the Top,” the worldwide broadcast of the television program ‘Hour of Power’ with Robert Schuller at the Crystal Cathedral. He also performed by invition at the Laguna Beach Chamber Music Festival with pianist Christopher O’Riley, and BeiJing’s International Clarinet Festival.


Yo-Yo Ma the Bohemian

2010/11/19 星期五

A. 德沃夏克: G大调第8交响曲,作品88 34'

A. Dvořák: Symphony No.8 in G major, Op.88


A. 德沃夏克:B小调大提琴协奏曲,作品104 40'

A. Dvořák: Cello Concerto in B minor, Op.104


Cello: Yo-Yo Ma


Conductor: Long Yu


Venue: Shanghai Grand Theatre

票价 / Price:待定 TBD


(Concert Duration: 74 minutes)


马友友,大提琴演奏家,为法国出生的华裔美国人,曾获得多座格莱美奖。1999年2月,美国纽约市将曼哈顿东46街与第五大道交叉口的路牌,曾暂时性地换 成“马友友路”(Yo-Yo Ma Way)。马友友为多部电影音乐配乐,其中包括布莱德·彼特主演的电影《西藏七年》,李安导演的《卧虎藏龙》等。

About the Event

Yo-Yo Ma Yo-Yo Ma’s multi-faceted career is testament to his continual search for new ways to communicate with audiences, and to his personal desire for artistic growth and renewal. Whether performing new or familiar works from the cello repertoire, coming together with colleagues for chamber music or exploring cultures and musical forms outside the Western classical tradition, Mr. Ma strives to find connections that stimulate the imagination.



W. A. 莫扎特:降B大调第22弦乐四重奏,K.589 22’

W. A. Mozart: String Quartet No. 22 in B-flat major, K. 589

R. 舒曼:A小调第一弦乐四重奏,作品41之1 25’

R. Schumann: String Quartet No. 1 in A minor, Op. 41/1

P. I. 柴科夫斯基:D大调弦乐六重奏,作品70“佛罗伦萨的回忆” 35’

P. I. Tchaikovsky: String Sextet in D major, Op. 70 "Souvenir de Florence"


Performer: Shanghai Quartet


Venue: The Performance Hall of Shanghai Oriental Art Center

票价 / Price:RMB 60,120,200,(VIP)300元


上海四重奏组建于1983年的上海弦乐四重奏组,由第一小提琴李伟刚(1964 年1月出生) 、第二小提琴蒋逸文(1963年10月出生)、中提琴李宏刚(1962年5月出生)和大提琴尼古拉斯-萨瓦拉斯(1975年3月出生)组成。他们通过二十 多年不断的努力,在国际乐坛中闯出了属于自己的一片天。权威的《斯特拉德》杂志把上海四重奏称为具有“非凡的优雅和音乐特色的四人组合”,他们赢得了世界 最杰出的四重奏组之一的美誉。上海四重奏在过去的二十年录制了大量的室内乐作品唱片。2003年2月录制了题为“静谧的庙宇”的盛宗亮的作品专集。 2002年11月,他们在美国发行了一张24轨录音的《中国歌曲集》,这是该重奏组的小提琴家蒋逸文对中国民歌的改编曲集锦。后来发行的录音还包括:拉威 尔的四重奏和弗朗克-布里奇的E小调四重奏、名为“新事曲”、“高山流水”等一系列中国民歌和一张勃拉姆斯的专集,其中收录了降B大调第三四重奏,作品 67号和与客席小提琴家阿诺尔德-斯坦哈特合作的F大调第一弦乐五重奏,作品88号。乐团曾与杰出的艺术家合作演出,诸如:大提琴家马友友和大卫-索耶、 长笛演奏家尤金妮亚-祖克曼、吉他演奏家艾略特-菲斯克与沙龙-伊斯宾、钢琴家葛哈尔德-奥皮兹、让-伊夫-蒂博代、梅纳汉-普雷斯勒、鲁思-拉雷多和约 瑟夫-卡利什斯坦;以及小提琴家阿诺尔德-斯坦哈德。“上海四重奏”定期在欧洲和北美重要的音乐中心巡回演出,包括伦敦、汉堡、米兰、和阿姆斯特丹以及底 特律、洛杉矶、费城、波特兰、普林斯顿、圣保罗、多伦多以及他们经常在弗里尔展览馆演出的华盛顿特区。此外,他们经常访问亚洲,在中国、日本和韩国的主要 城市巡回演出。该重奏组也曾在澳大利亚和新西兰演出。

About the Event

Shanghai Quartet Established in 1983, Shanghai String Quartet, from the first violin Wei-Gang Li (born in January 1964), the second violinist Jiang Yiwen (born in October 1963), Viola Li Honggang (May 1962 births) and the Cello Nicholas - Sawalasi (born March 1975) formed. Them through 20 years of continuous efforts to break the international music scene in their own little piece of heaven. Authority of the "Strad" magazine called the Shanghai Quartet has a "remarkable elegance and musical characteristics of four of them," they won the world's most distinguished reputation as one of the Quartet group. "Shanghai Quartet" In the past two decades a large number of chamber works recorded album. Recorded in February 2003 entitled "the quiet temple" of Bright Sheng's works album. November 2002, they released a 24 in the United States track record "Chinese Album" This is a violinist in the ensemble group Jiang Yiwen Collection of Chinese Folk Songs of the transcriptions. The recording was issued include: Ravel's Quartet and Franck - Bridge of the E minor Quartet, called "new Ballade," "Mountain and Flowing Water" and a series of Chinese folk songs and a Brahms album , a collection of third-down B-Quartet, Op 67, and with guest violinist Arnold - Steinhardt cooperation in F Major String Quintet No. 1, Op 88. Orchestra has worked with distinguished artists to perform, such as: cellist Yo-Yo Ma and David - Sawyer, flutist Eugenia - Zuckerman, guitar virtuoso Eliot - Fisk and Sharon - Isbin, Pianist Gehaerde - Opitz, so - Yves - Thibaudet, Menaham - Pressler, Ruth - Laredo,; and violinist Arnold - Steinhardt. "Shanghai Quartet" on a regular basis in Europe and North America, touring major music centers, including London, Hamburg, Milan, and Amsterdam as well as Detroit, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Portland, Princeton, Sao Paulo, Toronto and they are often in Freetown Washington, DC Seoul exhibition performances. In addition, they often visit Asia, in China, Japan and South Korea's main city tour. The ensemble group has performed in Australia and New Zealand.



Labèque Sisters Play Mozart

2010/11/28 星期日

L. v. 贝多芬:雷奥诺拉序曲第三号,作品72 14'

L. v. Beethoven: Leonore Overture No.3, Op.72

W. A. 莫扎特:降E大调第十双钢琴协奏曲,K.365 24'

W. A. Mozart: Piano Concerto No.10 in E flat major for Two Pianos, K.365


J. 勃拉姆斯: E小调第4交响曲,作品98 39'

J. Brahms: Symphony No.4 in E minor, Op.98


Piano: Katia & Marielle Labèque


Conductor: Antoni Wit


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 77 minutes)

About the Event

Labèque Sisters Katia and Marielle were born on the southwest coast of France near the Spanish border. The two sisters are a sharply contrasted, yet highly communicative piano team. Their repertoire includes a broad range of material, from Bach on period instruments to the 21st century contemporary composers. The sisters received initial instruction from their Italian mother, Ada Cecchi (former student of Marguerite Long), who began lessons when her daughters were three and five years of age. Upon graduation in their mid-teens, the two undertook performance of contemporary music. While a certain notoriety came with this performance repertoire, true celebrity arrived when their two-piano recording of Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue sold over a half million copies.Antoni Wit Born in Krakow in 1944, Antoni Wit is one of the most highly regarded Polish conductors, a champion of Polish music and since January 2002 he has been Director General and Artistic Director of the National Philharmonic in Warsaw


Dance of the Elephant

2010/12/17 星期五

科普兰:墨西哥沙龙 11'

A. Copland: El Salón México

R. 沃恩·威廉斯:F小调大号协奏曲 12'

R. Vaughan Williams: Tuba Concerto in F minor


P. I. 柴可夫斯基:F小调第四交响曲,作品36 44'

P. I. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.4 in F minor, Op.36


Tuba: Ola Ness


Conductor: Lin Daye


Venue: Shanghai Oriental Art Center

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 67 minutes)


林大叶自幼学习钢琴,15岁起跟随中国著名指挥教育家徐新先生学习指挥。1998年,考入上海音乐学院作曲指挥系,师从著名指挥家张国勇教授。 2000年,被选入指挥大师小泽征尔在上海举办的大师班,得到大师的亲自指点,在校期间作为张国勇教授的助理,曾多次指挥上海歌剧院交响乐团,上海青年交 响乐团。2003年毕业后,担任浙江省歌舞剧院交响乐团首席指挥,2004年末,获德国国家奖学金(DAAD)赴柏林Hanns Eisler音乐学院攻读指挥硕士文凭,师从德国著名指挥家Prof.Christian Ehwald。在德留学期间曾与柏林交响乐团,柏林电影乐团,法兰克福交响乐团,布兰登堡交响乐团等多个西方乐团成功合作。2007年,受聘于深圳交响乐 团,任助理指挥,2008年任深圳交响乐团常任指挥,同年率该团出访韩国取得巨大成功,并考取德国最高演奏家文凭,2009年起任杭州爱乐乐团驻团指挥。

About the Event

Ola Ness Ola started playing the tuba at the age of 10 in his local school band in the city of Bergen in Norway.In western Norway there is a great culture of wind bands and brass bands, and it was within this thatOla had his first musical experiences. Although he disliked the inevitable 17th of May parades, heenjoyed the rest of it well enough to persevere and become good enough to enter the Grieg Academy once he finished school. A little later he had moved on to Manchester, England where he studied under Brian Kingsley and James Gourlay at the Royal Northern College of Music. Upon finishing there he has embarked on a freelance career that has taken him to many places, including one earlier tour of China. He is the current principal tuba with the Stockport Symphony Orchestra,and has had the pleasure of playing with such groups as the Hallé Orchestra, the Fodens Band,Grimethorpe Colliery Band, Desford Colliery Band, Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Yorkshire Building Society Band, Eikanger-Bjørsvik Musikklag and the Verbier Festival Orchestra. He is heard on a great number of recordings with the above groups and others, on many different labels.Da-Yeh Lin He studied piano since the age of 15 following a famous Chinese educator Mr. Xu Xin command to learn the command since.1998 years, admitted to the Shanghai Conservatory of Music Conducting Department, where he studied under renowned conductor Professor Zhang Guoyong .2000, the elected Maestro Ozawa sign Seoul master classes held in Shanghai, be master of himself pointing. Professor Zhang Guoyong at school as an assistant conductor of the Shanghai Opera Symphony Orchestra on several occasions, the Shanghai Youth Symphony .2003 years after graduation as a symphony, Zhejiang Song and Dance Troupe Group chief conductor .2004 end by the German National Scholarship (DAAD) went to Berlin Hanns Eisler Academy of Music to study the command master's degree, he studied under the German conductor Prof.Christian Ehwald. while studying in Germany with the Berlin Symphony Orchestra, the Berlin Film Orchestra, Frankfurt Symphony Orchestra, the Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra and many other successful cooperation between the West In 2007, employed in the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, was appointed as Assistant Director .2008 Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, the same year rate of the regiment to visit South Korea to achieve great success. and obtain the highest performer in Germany since the Hangzhou Diploma .2009 Philharmonic Orchestra.

2010/12/31 星期五


New Year’s Concert 2011

L. v. 贝多芬:D小调第九交响曲,作品125 65'

L. v. Beethoven: Symphony No.9 in D minor, Op.125


Vocalists TBD


Chorus: Shanghai Opera House Chorus


Conductor: Kurt Masur


Venue: TBD

票价:待定 Price: TBD


(Concert Duration: 65 minutes)


Go Sound the Trumpet!

2011/1/15 星期六

A. G. 阿鲁秋年:小号协奏曲 11'

A. G. Arutiunian: Concerto for Trumpet

F. 大卫:降E大调长号协奏曲,作品4 13'

F. David: Trombone Concertino in E flat major, Op. 4


P. I. 柴可夫斯基:胡桃夹子第二组曲,作品71b 33'

P. I. Tchailovsky: Nutcracker Suite No.2, op.71b


Trumpet: Xia Fei


Trombone: Hu Qingwen


Conductor: Chen Xieyang


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 57 minutes)


2011/2/17 星期四





Lecturer: Vladimir Ashkenazy


票价 / Price:RMB


The Unfinished Wandering -- Ashkenazy conducts Mahler 10

2011/2/18 星期五

G. 马勒:第十交响曲(卡朋特补遗版) 66’

G. Mahler: Symphony No.10 (Carpenter Completion)


Conductor: Vladimir Ashkenazy


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 66 minutes)


弗拉基米·阿什肯纳奇弗拉基米尔·阿什肯纳奇,出生于莫斯科,但他在英格兰度过了童年。在6岁,他开始学习钢琴。 10年后,他前往英国在曼彻斯特皇家北方音乐学院学习。

About the Event

Vovka Ashkenazy Vovka Ashkenazy, who is of Russian and Icelandic parentage, was born in Moscow but spent most of his childhood in England and Iceland. At the age of six, he began studying piano with Rögnvaldur Sigurjónsson, one of Iceland's foremost piano tutors. Ten years later he went to England to study with Sulamita Aronovsky in Manchester at the Royal Northern College of Music. He also benefited from study sessions with pianists such as Peter Frankl and Leon Fleisher


David Fray's Chinese Debut

2011/2/26 星期六

A. 德沃夏克:E大调小夜曲,作品22 27'

A. Dvořák: Serenade in E major, Op.22


L. v. 贝多芬:C小调第三钢琴协奏曲,作品37 34'

L. v. Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.3 in C minor, Op.37

F. 李斯特:前奏曲,S.97 16'

F. Liszt: Les Préludes, S.97


Piano: David Fray


Conductor: Xia Xiaotang


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 77 minutes)


夏小汤 杰出的青年指挥家,中国青年交响乐团常任指挥、中国爱乐乐团驻团指挥、中央音乐学院指挥系教师。1981年生于北京,自幼学习钢琴,16岁考入中央音乐学 院指挥系,跟随著名指挥家俞峰教授学习。大学期间,成绩优秀,连续五年获得学校的各项奖学金。2002年被学校保送进入研究生。2005年毕业留校担任指 挥系主科老师和中国青年交响乐团常任指挥,成为中央音乐学院历史上最年轻的主科老师。2006年荣获第二届全国指挥比赛第一名。2007年开始任中国爱乐 乐团助理指挥。2009年任中国爱乐乐团驻团指挥。曾经应邀指挥过广州交响乐团、深圳交响乐团、天津歌剧舞剧院、中央歌剧院、北京交响乐团、上海爱乐乐 团、中国国家交响乐团、上海交响乐团、杭州爱乐乐团等,并与众多国内外著名演奏家和作曲家合作过大量高水平的音乐会,均获得巨大成功,赢得了当今乐坛的高 度赞誉。大卫·弗雷大卫·弗雷出生于1981年。他曾与雅克鲁维耶在国家高等音乐学院音乐学习,并以优异成绩毕业。曾获得无数奖项,包括奖金。

About the Event

David Fray David Fray was born in 1981 and began the piano when he was 4 years old. He worked with Jacques Rouvier at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, and graduated with top honours. David Fray has received numerous prizes and awards including a prize and a grant by the Banque Populaire, the Diploma of Outstanding Merit at the Fifth International Hamamatsu Competition in Japan; the Jeune soliste de l’année (Young Soloist of the Year) award, the most important prize awarded by the Commission des radios publiques de langue française; the Feydeau de Brou Saint Paul grant and the Révélation classique (Classical discovery) prize from ADAMI. At the 2004 Montreal International Music Competition, David Fray received both the Second Grand Prize, and the Prize for the best interpretation of an imposed Canadian work. As a direct reward for his success in this competition, ATMA Classique released his first CD (Liszt and Schubert).Xia Xiao Tang Outstanding young conductors, China Youth Symphony Orchestra, China Philharmonic Orchestra resident conductor, directing the Central Conservatory of Music faculty. Born in Beijing in 1981, He studied piano, 16-year-old admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music Conducting Department, following the conductor Yu Feng professor studying symphony orchestra conductor. College, earned good grades, the school for five consecutive years of the scholarship. In 2002 walked into the graduate school. Graduated in 2005 as conductor of the main subjects staying in school teachers, and China Youth Symphony Orchestra, as the history of the Central Conservatory of Music's youngest major subject teacher. 2006 won the first prize of the Second National Conducting Competition. Philharmonic Orchestra in 2007 he became assistant conductor. In 2009 he became the Philharmonic Orchestra. Guangzhou has been guest conductor of the Symphony Orchestra, Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra, Tianjin Opera and Dance Theatre, the Central Opera House, Beijing Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra, and with many domestic and foreign well-known performer and composer has worked with a large number of high-level concerts are a great success, winning high praise from the music of today.


Mozart for Two Fiddlers

2011/3/5 星期六

W. A.莫扎特:D大调小提琴第二协奏曲,K.211 21'

W. A. Mozart: Violin Concerto No.2 in D major, K.211

W. A.莫扎特:C大调双小提琴协奏曲,K.190 (186e) 28'

W. A. Mozart: Concertone in C major for Two Violins, K.190 (186e)


F. 舒伯特:C大调第六交响曲,D.589 27'

F. Schubert: Symphony No.6 in C major, D.589


Violin: Cho-Liang Lin, Wen Wei


Conductor: Cho-Liang Lin


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 76 minutes)



Master Class



Master:Choliang Lin


票价 / Price:RMB

2011/3/9 星期三

Choliang Lin with SQ Chamber

票价 / Price:RMB 60,120,200,(VIP)300


The Wayfarer's Songs -- Lan Shui conducts Mahler

2011/3/12 星期六

G. 马勒:旅行者之歌 16'

M. Mahler: Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen (Songs of a Wayfarer)


G. 马勒:D小调第1交响曲“泰坦” 53'

G. Mahler: Symphony No.1 in D major “Titan”


Alto: Yang Jie


Conductor: Shui Lan


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 69 minutes)



About the Event

Lan Shui Lan Shuihas been Music Director of the Singapore Symphony Orchestra since 1997, and Chief Conductor of the Copenhagen Philharmonic Orchestra from the 2007/08 season. As a guest conductor, Lan Shui has worked in the United States with orchestras including the Baltimore, Detroit and Houston Symphony Orchestras, the Los Angeles Philharmonic and the Minnesota Orchestra. In Europe, he has visited the Deutsches Sinfonie-Orchester Berlin, the Göteborgs Symphoniker, Orchestre National des Pays de la Loire, the Deutsche Radio Philharmonie Saarbrücken Kaiserslautern, and the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra, hr-Sinfonieorchester and Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart des SWR amongst others. He was also Principal Guest Conductor of the Aalborg Symphony Orchestra until the end of the 2007/08 season.He has performed at festivals including Tanglewood, Aspen and Round Top. Highlights in 2009/10 and beyond include debuts with the MDR Sinfonieorchester, the Orchestre National de Lille, the Orquesta Sinfónica do Estado de São Paulo, the Pacific Symphony Orchestra and the Orquesta Sinfónica de Tenerife, as well as European and US tours with both the Singapore Symphony and the Copenhagen Philharmonic.


The Russian Legends

2011/3/20 星期日

A. 鲍罗丁:歌剧《伊戈尔王》序曲 10’

A. Borodin: Overture to Prince Igor

A. 鲍罗丁:波罗维茨舞曲(选自歌剧《伊戈尔王》) 14’

A. Borodin: Polovtsian Dances (from Prince Igor)

A. 鲍罗丁:波罗维茨进行曲(选自歌剧《伊戈尔王》) 5’

A. Borodin: Polovtsian March (from Prince Igor)


N. 里姆斯基—科萨科夫:天方夜谭, 作品35 42'

N. Rimsky-Korsakov: Scheherazade, Op.35


Conductor: Maxim Vengerov


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 71 minutes)


马克西姆·文格洛夫 被公认为世界上最具活力的艺术家之一,马克西姆·文格洛夫曾在音乐会上与世界上最杰出的乐团合作。

About the Even

Maxim Vengerov Widely regarded as one of the world’s most dynamic artists, Maxim Vengerov has performed sold out concerts with the world’s most eminent orchestras in every major city in the world. Steeped in the celebrated Russian tradition of music making, Maestro enjoys international acclaim as a musician of the highest order, tireless in his search for new means of creative expression.


Tchaikovsky's Joy and Sorrow -- SSO with Vadim Repin

2011/3/27 星期日

P. I. 柴可夫斯基:D大调小提琴协奏曲,作品35 33'

P. I. Tchailovsky: Violin Concerto in D major, Op.35


P. I. 柴可夫斯基:B小调第6交响曲,作品74“悲怆” 46'

P. I. Tchailovsky: Symphony No.6 in B minor, Op.74 “Pathétique”


Violin: Vadim Repin


Conductor: Long Yu


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 79 minutes)



About the Even

Vadim Repin Music is Russian violinist Vadim Repin’s mother tongue. He is a virtuoso of many voices, and his astonishing ability to draw a rich palette of sound from his instrument, together with his dazzling technique, has enthralled audiences around the globe. Fiery passion with impeccable technique, poetry and sensitivity are Repin’s trademarks.


One Hand for Two

2011/4/10 星期日

H. 柏辽兹:《本韦努托·切利尼》序曲 11'

H. Berlioz: Overture to Benvenuto Cellini

M. 拉威尔:D大调左手钢琴协奏曲 19'

M. Ravel: Piano Concerto for the Left Hand in D major

M. 拉威尔:圆舞曲 12'

M. Ravel: La valse

M. 拉威尔:波莱罗舞曲 13'

M. Ravel: Boléro


Piano: Gary Graffman


Conductor: Phillip Bender


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 55 minutes)

About the Even

Phillip Bender He was born in Besançon, where he began his music studies before going on to the Paris Conservatoire, where he won three first prizes in 1959. On leaving the Paris Conservatoire he studied at the Höchschule für Musik of Fribourg en Brisgau and then at the Juilliard Music School in New York, from which he graduated with a music degree. As a concert flautist he was a prize-winner at the international music competitions of Geneva, Munich and Montreux.Gary Graffman The celebrated pianist Gary Graffman has been a major figure in the music world since winning the prestigious Leventritt Award in 1949. For the next three decades he toured almost continuously, playing the most demanding works in the piano literature both in recital and with the world’s great orchestras. He also made a series of highly acclaimed recordings for Columbia (CBS) and RCA, including concertos by Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninoff, Prokofiev, Brahms, Chopin and Beethoven with the orchestras of New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Chicago and Boston, and with such conductors as Leonard Bernstein, Zubin Mehta, Eugene Ormandy and George Szell.


Yuja Wang, or the Elf on the Piano

2011/4/23 星期六

S. 普罗科菲耶夫:C大调第3钢琴协奏曲,作品26 27'

S. Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.3 in C major, Op.26


S. 普罗科菲耶夫:降B大调第5交响曲,作品100 46'

S. Prokofiev: Symphony No.5 in B-flat major, Op.100


Piano: Yuja Wang


Conductor: Zhang Liang


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 73 minutes)

About the Even

Zhang Liang Young conductor. Born in 1979, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province, China. 1989-1998 studied at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music's primary subsidiary and affiliated music schools. 1998 to command two-piano score first obtaining professional well-known National Conservatory of Music University of Vienna (Universitaet fuer Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien), where he studied under renowned conductor Layouweiqi (Uros Lajovic) Professor of Piano Master Lai Foli (David Lively) and Jeracek (JGJiracek), Professor.. In Vienna, who should be invited by the Vienna Opera House performances Ferali new opera, "the secret of Susan satisfied" with great success. Zhang Liang then a large number of opera rehearsal are: "The Magic Flute," "Fidelio," "bat", "free shooters", "Carmen," "Marriage of Figaro," "La Traviata", "career artists", etc. . Zhang Liang has conducted the orchestra with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra, the Vienna Webern Symphony, the Macau Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, Shanghai Opera Symphony Orchestra, has been described as the foreign media: "the perfect embodiment of the young European music style command. " Command the same time, Zhang Liang is also an active pianist. Wang served as one of the world's three major Swiss flute flute master Graff (Peter Lukas Graf) piano accompaniment, and participation in a large number of chamber music. Often associated with Germany, Austria, France, Mexico, Spain, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other countries and regions as a soloist with the Taiwan cooperation. China in recent years and has published many excellent musicians over albums. Zhang Liang from 2008 onwards as the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra. Zhang Liang from September 2009 as the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Orchestra.

Yuja Wang Twenty-two year old Chinese pianist Yuja Wang is recognized for playing that combines the fearless imagination of youth with the discipline and precision of a mature artist. Yuja’s command of the piano has been described as “astounding” and “superhuman,” and she has been praised for her authority over the most complex technical demands of the repertoire, the depth of her musical insight, as well as her fresh interpretations and graceful, charismatic stage presence. This past season The San Francisco Chronicle wrote “The arrival of Chinese-born pianist Yuja Wang on the musical scene is an exhilarating and unnerving development. To listen to her in action is to re-examine whatever assumptions you may have had about how well the piano can actually be played.”


Una Tragicomedia Humana -- Claus Peter Flor conducts Mahler 5

2011/4/30 星期六

K. 高德马克: A小调小提琴协奏曲,作品28 33'

K. Goldmark: Violin Concerto in A minor, Op.28


G. 马勒: 升C小调第5交响曲

G. Mahler: Symphony No.5 in C-sharp minor 68'


Violin: Renaud Capuçon


Conductor: Claus Peter Flor


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 101 minutes)

About the Even

Claus Peter Flor Respected by musicians the world over as a hugely gifted conductor and, for his instinctive musicianship, Claus Peter Flor is Music Director of the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra. Mr Flor continues to work internationally at a high level and works regularly with Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, Dallas Symphony, Houston Symphony, Singapore Symphony, Het Residentie Orchestra, Orquesta de Valencia, RTVI Lugano, China Philharmonic, Orchestre Philharmonique du Strasbourg, Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse, Sao Paolo Symphony Orchestra, Orchestra Verdi di Milano and KBS Symphony amongst others.Renaud Capucon Renaud Capuçon was born in Chambéry in 1976 and began studying at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris at the age of 14 with Gérard Poulet and Veda Reynolds.In 1992, he was awarded First Prize for Chamber Music and in 1993, First Prize for violin with a special distinction from the jury.In 1995, he won the Prize of the Berlin Academy of Arts and went on to study with Thomas Brandis and later, Isaac Stern.Mr. Capuçon, by special invitation from Claudio Abbado, held the position of the concertmaster of the Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester, having the opportunity to work with Pierre Boulez, Seiji Ozawa, Daniel Barenboim, Franz Welser-Möst and Claudio Abbado.



Franz Liszt 200th Anniversary Concert

2011/5/7 星期六

F. 李斯特:A大调第2钢琴协奏曲,S.125 21'

F. Liszt: Piano Concerto No.2 in A major, S.125


F.李斯特:浮士德交响曲,S.108 65'

F. Liszt: A Faust Symphony, S.108


Piano: Sun Yingdi


Tenor: Chi Liming


Male Chorus: Shanghai Opera House Chorus


Conductor: Zhang Guoyong


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 86 minutes)


迟立明 国家一级演员。曾主演《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《图兰朵》、《丑角》、《托斯卡》、波西米亚人》、《奥涅金》、《茶花女》、《卡门》、《蝴蝶夫人》、《诗人李 白》、《雷雨》、《赌命》等歌剧,并在清唱剧《卡尔米那·布拉那》、贝多芬《第九交响乐》、《庄严弥撒》、亨德尔《弥赛亚》、莫扎特《安魂曲》等中担任领 唱。曾与指挥John Nelson、Alberto Zedda、Bruno Dal Bon、Peter Mark、Patrick Summers、Pascal Verrot、Paolo Olmi、吕嘉、张国勇、余隆、陈燮阳、胡永言、陈左徨等愉快合作,足迹遍及美国、德国、法国、意大利、瑞士、芬兰、日本、韩国、香港、台湾、澳门等国家 与地区。

海歌剧院合唱团是一个历史悠久的音乐表演团体。五十多年来,该团在歌剧、清唱剧、交响合唱、无伴奏合唱、重唱与独唱等各种声乐表演形式方面,积累 了丰富的保留剧目。近年来与世界著名艺术家合作的经典外国歌剧有:《卡门》、《阿依达》、《浮士德》、《图兰多》、《波西米亚人》、《茶花女》、《奥赛 罗》、《罗密欧与朱丽叶》、《托斯卡》、《蝴蝶夫人》、《乡村骑士》、《丑角》等;交响乐和清唱剧有:《四季》、《贝多芬第九交响曲》、《马勒第二、第 三、第八交响曲》、《伊利亚》、《卡尔米娜·布拉拿》、《浮士德的沉沦》等;多部著名作曲家的《弥赛亚》、《安魂曲》和《圣母悼歌》。中国经典剧目:《黄 河大合唱》、歌剧《江姐》、《长征组歌—红军不怕远征难》,并致力于排演中国原创的合唱作品和歌剧,如《雷雨》、《李白》、《赌命》等。 融合了东西方的音乐传统,合唱团先后出访了三十多个国家和地区,曾应邀参加了德国萨布吕肯歌剧节、澳大利亚布里斯班国际音乐节、芬兰萨翁林纳歌剧节、新加 坡亚洲艺术节、香港艺术节、澳门国际音乐节。孙颖迪2005 年 4 月,孙颖迪在荷兰乌得勒支举行的极富盛名的第七届弗朗茨·李斯特国际钢琴大赛上夺得第一名,成为第一位染指此项桂冠的华人钢琴家。由于获此殊荣,孙颖迪已 经在荷兰及全球范围开始巡回演奏会。除了在荷兰的顶级音乐厅如阿姆斯特丹皇家音乐厅(Amsterdam Concertgebouw)演出之外,音乐会还在全球许多国家进行,如法国、比利时、德国、芬兰、匈牙利、捷克、波兰、西班牙、英国、俄罗斯、瑞士、印 尼、中国、日本、韩国、美国、澳大利亚、新西兰以及南非。张国勇 1983年毕业于上海音乐学院指挥系,1997年被莫斯科国立柴科夫斯基音乐学院授予音乐博士学位。先后师从著名指挥家、音乐教育家黄晓同教授和俄罗斯著 名指挥大师罗日杰斯特文斯基。现任上海歌剧院院长、艺术总监,中国音乐家协会副主席,上海音乐学院作曲指挥系教授,上海交响乐团常任指挥。曾任深圳交响乐 团音乐总监。

About the Even

Chi Li Ming National level actors. Has starred in "Romeo and Juliet," "Turandot," "clown," "Tosca," Boheme, "" Onegin, "" La Traviata, "" Carmen, "" Madama Butterfly " "Poet Li Bai", "Thunderstorm", "Bet" and opera, and oratorio "It Burana Carmine", Beethoven's "Ninth Symphony", "solemn mass" Handel "Messiah "Mozart's" Requiem "and served as lead singer. With conductor John Nelson, Alberto Zedda, Bruno Dal Bon, Peter Mark, Patrick Summers, Pascal Verrot, Paolo Olmi, Lu Jia, Guo-Yong Zhang, Yu Long, Chen Xie Yang, Yong-Yan, Chen left helpless and so happy to cooperate extensively in the United States, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Finland, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao and other countries and regions.

Shanghai Opera House Chorus Shansehai Opera House Chorus is a long history of music performance groups. 50 years, the regiment in the opera, cantata, symphonic chorus, a cappella, vocal ensemble and solo performances, etc., the accumulated rich repertory. In recent years, cooperation with world-renowned classical artists with foreign Opera: "Carmen," "Aida," "Faust," "Turandot," "Boheme," "La Traviata", "Orsay Luo, "" Romeo and Juliet, "" Tosca, "" Madama Butterfly "," Cavalleria Rusticana "," clown "and so on; symphonies and cantatas are:" Four Seasons "," Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, "" Mahler's Second, Third, Eighth Symphony, "" Elijah, "" Kaerminuo Brad take "," Faust's sinking, "and so on; more than well-known composer of" Messiah " "Requiem" and "Stabat Mater." Chinese classical repertoire: "Yellow River Cantata", the opera "Sister Jiang", "Long Songs - Red Army fears expedition difficult", and is committed to rehearsing original choral works and Chinese opera, such as "Thunderstorm", "Li Bai", "Bet "and so on. Fusion of Eastern and Western musical traditions, the choir has visited more than 30 countries and regions, have been invited to attend the Opera Festival Saarbruecken, Germany, Australia Brisbane International Music Festival, Fenlan Sa WENG Lingner Opera Festival, Singapore Asian Arts Festival, Hong Kong Arts Festival, the Macao International Music Festival.

Sun Yingdi April 2005, Sun Yingdi in Utrecht, the Netherlands held the prestigious Franz Liszt International Piano Competition in the seventh won the first prize, becoming the first Chinese pianist to meddle in the title. As the award, Sun Yingdi already started in the Netherlands and worldwide concert tour. In addition to the top concert halls in the Netherlands such as Amsterdam, Royal Concertgebouw (Amsterdam Concertgebouw) performances, the concert is still the world in many countries such as France, Belgium, Germany, Finland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, Britain, Russia, Switzerland, Indonesia, China, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.

Guo-Yong Zhang In 1983 graduated from the Shanghai Conservatory of Music Conducting Department, Moscow State in 1997 was awarded the Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music Doctor of Musical. Has studied under renowned conductor and music educator Professor Huang Xiaotong and the famous Russian Maestro rozhdestven Gaussian. The current president of the Shanghai Opera House, artistic director, vice chairman of the Chinese Musicians Association, the Shanghai Conservatory of Music and conductor, Professor, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. Served as music director of the Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra.


Russia in Sound Pictures

2011/5/28 星期六

A. 利亚多夫:魔湖, 作品62 6'

A. Liadov: The Enchanted Lake, Op.62

P. I. 柴可夫斯基:洛可可主题变奏曲,作品33(中提琴版) 18'

P. I. Tchaikovsky: Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op.33 (Viola version)


M. 穆索尔斯基: 图画展览会 35'

M. Mussorgsky: Pictures at Exhibition (arr. Ravel)


Viola: Maxim Rysanov


Conductor: Long Yu


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 59 minutes)



About the Even

Maxim Rysanov Recognised as one of the world’s best and most charismatic viola players, Maxim Rysanov will perform at the 2010 Last Night of the BBC Proms, a concert which is televised live worldwide. He is also a recent recipient of the Classic FM Gramophone Young Artist of the Year and BBC New Generation awards.


An Ode to the Dance -- Eiji Oue conducts Beethoven 7

2011/6/11 星期六

E. 埃尔加:引子和快板,为弦乐四重奏和弦乐队而作,作品47 14'

E. Elgar: Introduction and Allegro for String Quartet and String Orchestra, Op.47

E. 埃尔加:E小调大提琴协奏曲,作品85 30'

E. Elgar: Cello Concerto in E minor, Op.85


L. v. 贝多芬:A大调第七交响曲,作品92 40’

L. v. Beethoven: Symphony No.7 in A major, Op.92


Cello: Ni Haiye


Shanghai Quartet


Conductor: Eiji Oue


Venue: Shanghai Concert Hall

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 84 minutes)



About the Even

Ni Haiye One of the most accomplished young cellists of our time, Hai-Ye Ni is recently appointed the Principal cellist of the Philadelphia Orchestra.Miss Ni first came into prominence via her critically praised New York debut at Alice Tully Hall in 1991. This noted performance came as a result of Miss Ni capturing the first prize at the Naumburg International Cello competition, the youngest recipient ever of this distinguished award. Since then, she has won First Prize at the 1996 International Paulo Cello Competition in Finland by unanimous choice, and became a recipient of the prestigious Avery Fisher Career Grant in 2001.


What Love Tells You

-- A Concert Dedicated to My Teacher Huang Xiaotong

2011/6/18 星期六

G. 马勒:D小调第3交响曲 99'

G. Mahler: Symphony No.3 in D minor


Alto: Cao Zheng


Chorus: Shanghai Opera House Chorus

Huangpu Youngsters' Activity Centre Spring Children's Choir


Conductor: Long Yu


Venue: Shanghai Oriental Art Center

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 99 minutes)


Ancient Stories in Modern Sound -- SSO 2010-11 Season Closing Ceremony

2011/6/25 星期五

C. 德彪西:牧神午后前奏曲 10'

C. Debussy: Prélude à l'après-midi d'un faune

S. 普罗科菲耶夫:G小调第二小提琴协奏曲,作品63 26'

S. Prokofiev: Violin Concerto No.2 in G minor, Op.63


M.拉威尔:《达夫尼与克洛埃》第一、第二组曲 30'

M. Ravel: Daphnis et Chloé Suites Nos.1 & 2


Violin: Xiaodong Wang


Conductor: David Stern


Venue: Shanghai Oriental Art Center

票价 / Price:RMB 60,90,160,240,(VIP)460


(Concert Duration: 66 minutes)

About the Even

David Stern In 2009/10 David Stern began his tenure as Music Director of Israel Opera and the St. Gallen Symphony Orchestra and Opera. Anative New Yorker, David Stern’s artistic expression stems from his work with both modern and period instruments. He conducts Baroque music with the same intensity as he does later repertoire, and remains sensitive to the subtleties inherent to the instruments and articulations of the period. With his creative and innovative programming, he is developing a reputation in Europe and in America for musical projects that step out of the boundaries of the usual concert season.


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