
"Wide is My Motherland" (Russian: Широка страна моя родная, Shiroka strana moya rodnaya), also known as "Song of the Motherland" (Russian: Песня о родине, Pesnya o rodinye), is a famous patriotic song of Russia and the former Soviet Union.


"Wide is My Motherland" (Russian: Широка страна моя родная, Shiroka strana moya rodnaya), also known as "Song of the Motherland" (Russian: Песня о родине, Pesnya o rodinye), is a famous patriotic song of Russia and the former Soviet Union. The music was composed by Isaac Dunaevsky and the words were written by Vasily Lebedev-Kumach. The song was first featured in the classic Soviet film "Circus" in 1936.


The song made its début in the 1936 film Circus, starring Lyubov Orlova and Sergei Stolyarov. The film depicts the story of an American woman who flees from racism in the United States after giving birth to an African-American child. She comes to the USSR to sing as part of an act in the circus, and soon falls in love with a performance director Ivan "Petrovich" Martinov. As she becomes assimilated into her new surroundings, her love blossoms into a love not only for Martinov but for the Soviet motherland itself, the ideals that have refined it, and the newly found freedoms of Soviet society. The melody and chorus of the song appear throughout the film, and both parts of the final stanza are sung at the end where all the characters are seen marching in a May Day parade on Red Square.

The song gained immediate popularity. A full three-stanza recording was published in 1937. In 1939, the opening chorus notes played on vibraphone became the official call sign of Soviet radio. Later on, however, during the period of de-Stalinization, the second stanza was dropped due to its mention of Joseph Stalin. It was replaced with a new stanza emphasizing comradeship and proletarian internationalism. The song was also translated into several other languages of Eastern Bloc countries, including German and Hungarian. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the song remains a popular patriotic tune in the Russian Federation.







我们田野你再不能辨认,我们城市你再记不清。我们骄傲地称呼是同志,它比一切尊称都光荣;有这称呼各处都是家庭,不分人种黑白棕黄红。这个称呼无论谁都熟悉,凭着它就彼此更亲密 。





Широка страна мая родная,
Много в ней лесов бполей и рек!
Я другой такой страны не знаю,
Где так дышит человек.
Я другой такой страны не знаю,
Где так дышит человек.

От Москвы до самых до окраин,
С южных гор до северных морей
Человек проходит как хозаин
Необъятной Родины своей.
Всюду жизнь привольно и широко,
Точно Волга полная,течет.
Молодым везде у нас дорога,
Старикам везде у нас почет.


Наши нивы взглядом не обшаришь.
Не упомнишь наших городов.
Наше слово гордое товарищ
Нам дороже всех красивых слов.
С этим словом мы повсюду дома,
Нет для нас ни черных,ни цветных,
Это слово каждому знакомо,
С ним везде находим мы родных.


Над страной весенний ветер веет,
С каждым днем все радостнее жить,
И никто на свете не умеет
Лучше нас смеяться и любить!
Но сурово брови мы насупим,
Если враг захочет нас сломать ,
Как невесту,Родину мы любим ,
Бережем как ласковую мать!



Composer: Dunayevsky 1936
Area :Russia


Update Time:2018-05-08 00:39