
Wang chenyu, Chinese violinist. violin playing and teaching,chamber music.


Wang chenyu, Chinese violinist.

1.Participated in the Beijing National Youth Violin Competition in 2009 and won the Excellence Award.

2. In 2010, I participated in the premiere of the young composer Maxim <<the moon>> double violin concerto at the Shanghai World Expo and received favorable comments.

3. Joined the Shanghai Wanfang Youth Symphony Orchestra in 2010 and participated in many performances and competitions at home and abroad. (The representative ones are: Participated in the Shanghai International Spring Art Festival of the year 2011 .,in 2012, participated in the international accordion competition,won 2nd prize, etc.).

4. In May 2012, I was invited as the 1st violin to perform Bach's "Double Violin Concerto" at the Shanghai Concert Hall .

6. In 2014, I went to Finland, Sweden and Norway for a 10-day tour concert and received wide acclaims.

7.In May 2016 in the concert hall of Petrozavodsk, Russia I Opened a personal concert and received rave reviews.

8. In June 2016, I was invited to hold a chamber music concert at Nanchang University Concert Hall. Jiangxi TV Station, Jiangxi Education TV Station, Jiangxi University Press, Nanchang News Network and other major TV stations and newspapers made corresponding reports. .

9. I Participated in the Hong Kong International competition for string in July 2016 and won the first prize of the violin and string ensemble of the Guangzhou Division, the second prize and the first prize of the Hong Kong Grand Prix.

10. In November 2016, I won the third prize of the( Violin Solo Youth Group) at the International Competition for Music Performance Art in St. Petersburg, Russia.

11. In January 2017, I won the second prize of the Chamber Music Group of the Russian International Music Competition.

12. In 2017, I won the first prize of the Chamber Music Group of the Russian International Instrumental Music Competition.

13. In March 2017, I won the second prize of the Instrumental Chamber Music Group in the “Art Wave” music festival and competition in St. Petersburg, Russia.

14. In August 2017, I was invited to open a chamber music concert at the Shanghai Normal University Concert Hall.

15.In November 2018,I was invited to participate in the concert of the Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra.

16. on January 19th 2019, , I participated in a special performance of the Symphony of "Towards a New Journey, and a New Picture" (hosted by the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Culture, the Department of Education and Jiangxi Normal University.) at the Jiangxi Art Center,

Info: Violinist
Type: Person Female
Period: 1992.10.29 - ..
Age: 31 years
Occupation :Violinist


Update Time:2019-05-14 16:40 / 5 years, 2 months ago.