
Lu Zaiyi, also known as Zi Jun, is a famous music composer in China who was born in 1943 in Yuyao, Zhejiang providence (now belong to Cixi city) in a small village.


Lu Zaiyi, also known as Zi Jun, is a famous music composer in China who was born in 1943 in Yuyao, Zhejiang providence (now belong to Cixi city) in a small village. In 1955, instructed by He Lvting , director of Shanghai Conservatory of Music, was admitted to its affiliated middle school and then to Shanghai Conservatory of Music for his excellent academic performance. Graduated in 1967, he worked there as a teacher. In 1972, he was transferred to Shanghai Opera House and participated in more than ten modern Peking Opera music creations. He then worked in Shanghai Orchestra in 1981 where he served consecutively as a full-time composer, director, art director, and acted as Editor-in-chief of "Voice of Shanghai" for long-term concurrently. In 1997, he worked as Art Director of Shanghai Opera House. Presently, he is Vice Chairman of Chinese Musician Association, Chairman of Shanghai Musician Association, and Class A composer of the nation. Lu Zaiyi's works of music are rich in emotional connotation with profound messages and singing character and lyric temperament, which accounts for his reputation as the "poet of music".

Info: Chinese composer
Index: 7.4
Type: Person Male
Period: 1943.. - ..
Age: 81 years
Area :China
Occupation :Composer
Periods :Modernist Music


Update Time:2021-09-19 12:00 / 2 years, 10 months ago.