
Sembiin Gonchigsumlaa (Mongolian: Сэмбийн Гончигсумлаа; 1915-1991) was a Mongolian composer, generally considered to have been one of the greatest contributors to modern Mongolian national music and classical music.


Sembiin Gonchigsumlaa (Mongolian: Сэмбийн Гончигсумлаа; 1915-1991) was a Mongolian composer, generally considered to have been one of the greatest contributors to modern Mongolian national music and classical music. He is credited with being the first to write Mongolian ballet music. He was also a Merited Artiste and Chairman of the Composers' Union.

Info: Mongolian composer
Index: 5.7
Type: Person Male
Period: 1915.2.18 - 1996.2.25
Age: aged 81
Area :Mongolia
Occupation :Composer
Periods :Modernist Music


Update Time:2018-03-25 22:53 / 6 years, 4 months ago.