概况 Overview


简介 Introduction

D大调第七号嬉游曲,Divertimento No. 7 in D Major, K.205,管弦乐曲,莫扎特约作于1773年。为梅斯玛邸的花园音乐会演奏而作(也有人认为是为安德烈特夫入而作)。同年8月18日在维也纳的梅斯玛博士的花园音乐会上首演。乐器编制为:小提琴中提琴、低音提琴低音法国号二。



  • 第一乐章:广板,D大调,4/4拍子:快板,4/4拍子,奏鸣曲式;
  • 第二乐章:小步舞曲,D大调,3/4拍子,“A-B-A”三段体;
  • 第三乐章:柔板,A大调,4/4拍子,弦乐三重奏;
  • 第四乐章:小步舞曲,D大调,3/4拍子,中间部均为三段体;
  • 第五乐章:终曲,急板,D大调,2/4拍子,有四个插句的回旋曲式。


简介 Introduction

Along with the serenade and cassation, the divertimento played a major part among the works Mozart composed during his earlier years in Salzburg. Relaxed and easy going, divertimentos are generally multi-movement pieces introduced by a march played by the musicians as they entered to take up their places. The Divertimento in D, K205 was probably composed in Salzburg during the summer of 1773, and is possibly associated with the March in D, K290. Works such as K205 were invariably composed to fulfill a particular occasion, such as a name-day, although no particular purpose has been established in this instance. Unlike the serenade, nearly always designed for outdoor performance, it seems likely that divertimentos were also played inside. The scoring of K205 is violin, viola, bassoon, "basso" and two horns, the "basso" line being for double bass, not cello. Strings were played one per part, another difference from serenades, which were customarily given by larger forces. The divertimento thus had a chamber-like intimacy making it suitable for small domestic celebrations. The present work is unusual in prefacing the Allegro, the first of its five movements, with a slow Largo of unusual seriousness for such relaxed music making.


  1. Largo - Allegro
  2. Menuetto & Trio
  3. Adagio
  4. Menuetto 2
  5. Finale. Presto

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莫扎特 - D大调第7嬉游曲 K.205
作曲 :莫扎特 1773
编号 :K.205
时长 :0:23:00( 平均 )
体裁 :嬉游曲
链接 :IMSLP乐谱

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更新时间:2018-12-19 23:05