
A songwriter is an individual who writes the lyrics, melodies and chord progressions for songs, typically for a popular music genre such as country music.

Label list

Zhang Lu 张鲁 Chinese composer
Irving Berlin 欧文·柏林 American composer and lyricist
Zhu Zhengben 朱正本 Songwriter
Fu Lin 付林 Songwriter
Johnny Mercer 约翰尼·默瑟 American lyricist, songwriter
Li Haiying 李海鹰 Chinese composer
Chen Gexin 陈歌辛 Songwriter
Jin Chengzhi 金承志 Chinese composer
Carlos Gardel 卡洛斯·加德尔 French Argentine singer
Stephen Foster 福斯特 American songwriter
Zhang Meitong 张枚同 Songwriter
