
The Second Viennese School is the group of composers that comprised Arnold Schoenberg and his pupils and close associates in early 20th century Vienna, where he lived and taught, sporadically, between 1903 and 1925.

Label list

Arnold Schönberg 勋伯格 Austrian composer and painter
Alban Berg 贝尔格 Austrian composer
Anton Webern 韦伯恩 Austrian composer
Roberto Gerhard 格哈德 Spanish Catalan composer
Hanns Eisler 艾斯勒 Austrian composer
Egon Wellesz 韦勒斯 Austrian composer
Viktor Ullmann 乌尔曼 Silesia-born Austrian composer
Ernst Krenek 克热内克 Austrian composer
Nikos Skalkottas 斯卡尔科塔斯 Greek composer
René Leibowitz 莱博维茨 French composer, conductor
